Let me start this post with a request to my readers. Please don't expect a one-size-fits-all language-learning "method" here. I don't believe that exists. What I am presenting is a one-size-fits-all "philosophy", i.e., a way of thinking. I call this CLAP, for Contextual Language Acquisition Philosophy. All methods and tricks that have been applied by myself or by my parents in raising me (which I will present in later posts) are all based on CLAP.
According to CLAP, language learning is most time-efficient, money-efficient, and effort-efficient, and, as a result, motivating and effective when you let CONTEXT drive your learning.
So there.
Simple, right? Too-good-to-be-true kind'a simple? Deceived? Well, people often have the illusion that complicated things, expensive things, difficult things, etc. are better. But CLAP is a simple philosophy. Just like "buy low, sell high". However, successfully applying "buy low, sell high" requires deep knowledge and training in finance before being able to seek out good investment opportunities, whereas applying CLAP only requires you to become conscious of your inside and of the world outside, i.e., your context. So what is important here is not about developing a difficult and complex skill or knowledge set, but rather, a simple habit, a way of thinking about what you want or like to do and what is the environment or situation you live in. And once you can master CLAP, you will see the countless language learning opportunities that surround you.
So what I'm saying is do this. Try to find opportunities to align what you do on a daily basis with language learning. Everyday, you go to school, you go to work, you interact with family, friends, colleagues, you eat, drink, you drive a car, take the train or bus, you have hobbies, watch movies, TV, surf the net, etc. etc. etc. Essentially, for all things that you either "have to do" or "like to do", see if you can add an element of language learning in there. For example, if you like to surf the web, you can browse sites that are in the language you are learning (and if you're learning Japanese, then you could push yourself to first read the Japanese part of each post, and then read the English part to see if you understood well). Perhap you like to listen to podcasts for news. Why not listen to it in your target language? Make friends in your target language. Reread your favorite book in your target language. Even when you have nothing, you can think of something. Your mind is the limit. Speaking of mind, while learning Spanish, anytime I was alone or in the shower or toilet, I would talk to myself in my head in Spanish! Wacky conversations indeed.
So as you can see, the list can go on and on and on and on. But of course, the specific activity has to be tailored to your level, your interest, your resources, etc. But the basic idea is still to do something that you're going to do anyway, but using your target language. And most likely, not one method alone will make you fluent, but the best combination of many of them will. Much of the remainder of this blog will be filled with examples of how this was actively applied in my own life.
But before that, in the next few posts, I will tell you about 3 CLAP requisites:
1) Purpose
2) Attitude
3) Hard (but smart) work
Until then!
Contextual Language Acquisition Philosophy
Saturday, March 20, 2010
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Hello, Tetsu! I have just listened to your chat with Steve; and I must say that you sound native-like in Spanish, I am totally impressed!!! I am native in Spanish since I am from Argentina.
Hi Tetsu,
I think it's really cool that you've incorporated a lot of fun elements into your language learning, instead of just hitting the grammar or vocabulary books, which can be very boring at times.
Like you've mentioned in this post, pursuing one's hobbies in their target language instead of their mother tongue is an excellent idea.
In my case, given that I'm focusing on French studies and that I like movies, maybe I can start to consciously surf some film review websites in French, thereby combining my hobby with my target language.
Also, it was interesting to read about your Spanish monologue sessions in the shower, which, as Bruno has mentioned above, have obviously paid off handsomely.
I think I should copycat and do the same thing in French, and start mumbling to myself in French wherever I can, be it when I'm taking a shower, or when I'm watching TV alone in my room.
I'm looking forward to reading your further posts on CLAP soon!
The method finally arrives... and I'll tell you what Tetsu: I like it. I like it a lot, particularly because I already do it!
What you propose is pretty similar to the philosophies of "All Japanese All The Time" and "Spanish Only," and I've taken this philosophy to heart. Since I started learning French I:
1. Replaced all of my music with French music
2. Started watching 3-5 hours of French television per day
3. Put a bunch of French podcasts on my car stereo so when I drive I only hear French talk radio
Everything I did in English, besides reading, is now done in French. I like your style Tetsu, because it appears that your style is my style. You're like the pentalingual older brother I never had (I think you're older, I'm 26 years old and I'm pretty sure you aren't a 25 year old with a PhD and MBA, right? Jeez I hope not...)
Anyway, today is your lucky day because I don't have a tough question for yo-JUST KIDDING yes I do.
Question: My French learning methods are limited to audio exclusively at this point. I've logged about 80 hours of TV and hundreds of hours of music. At what point would you suggest I start reading? I've already decided to wait until ~800 hours of TV, but I'm curious about the methods of a fifth-degree black belt zen-master of language like yourself.
Take it easy, Tetsu.
p.s. I'm serious. Take it easy. Stop accomplishing things for a few minutes. Go eat a burger, watch some episodes of Lost, and fall asleep with your hand in a bag of zesty potato chips. Don't worry, I'll pick up the slack; I've got your back, buddy (I'll need some $$ for my troubles of course).
I feel so fortunate to have so many loyal readers within the first few weeks of starting this blog! Heartfelt thanks for your kind words.
Muchas gracias por sus complimentos. Oirlo de un hispano-hablante tiene un sentido especial.
I saw your website. Very nice! You're a guitarist? I play drums! Hope to jam with you one day!
>>Uncle Polyglot
Yes, the more you like what you're doing, then doing it in the foreign language will be motivating.
As for speaking to oneself, just make sure you don't mistake your internal volume and shout out "quelle belle fille!" in public. ;)
I'm gonna knock your teeth out! I specifically said don't expect a "METHOD" here and you start your comment with what!?!? ;)
I'm very glad that you like CLAP. It's definitely not rocket science.
As for your Q. I think "now" is a good time to start reading. Reading/listening/speaking/writing do not have to be learned sequentially. In fact, I think you should learn in a balanced way (not necessarily equal effort for all) and not one after another.
>>Moonlight Horses
>>Uncle Polyglot
また、スペイン語で自分と会話するというのも、Bruno (Moonlight horses)が言った通り、素晴らしい結果になっているね。
>>I am Mattimus
テツが言うのは「All Japanese All the time」とか、「Spanish only」に似ている。僕もこれには共感する。僕自身もフランス語習う為に、
>>Bruno (Moonlight horses)
>>Uncle Polyglot
コメントの英語版と日本語版を読んでいるだけでも勉強になりますね! いつもご配慮、ありがとうございます。 コメントを残さないまでも、この翻訳のおかげで助かっている人が沢山いると思いますよ。応援しています!
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